

Dokkyo University (Faculty of International Liberal Arts) 獨協大学国際教養学部 (Soka-shi, Saitama-ken)
Searching candidates for a full-time teaching position in Languages and Education Studies 獨協大学国際教養学部言語教育研究科目群専任教員公募のお知らせ

Category of position 募集職位:

Professor, associate professor, or lecturer 教授,准教授,もしくは専任講師

NUMBER of positions 募集人数:


CLASSES to be taught and obligations 業務内容:

  • Lectures and seminars on the culture, society, history of English-speaking areas as well as multiculturalism and comparative cultural issues 英語圏の文化?社会?歴史,多文化共生,比較文化等に関する講義
  • English classes (skills and applications) 英語科目(スキル科目および応用科目)
  • Coordination in the English Programme: communication with part-time instructors and students, monitoring materials and curriculum, providing guidance and FD activities, allocation of teachers and students, and all other related issues 学部英語プログラムに関わる全般的案件の連絡?調整?手配?交渉(教材?カリキュラムの検討及び作成,非常勤教員との連携,学生対応,教員配置,学生のクラス分け,ガイダンス及び専門職訓練の手配等)
  • Undergraduate seminars 演習(ゼミ)科目
  • School administrative meetings and committees, school/faculty events, student counselling, entrance examinations, and other educational affairs to be participated. 大学?学部の会議体への出席,委員会等の業務分掌,入試を含む行事等への参加,学生に対する指導?助言など大学の全般的な教育活動への参加.

TEACHING days 出講日:

3 or 4 days a week from Monday-Friday. 月~金曜日のうち3ないし4日

WORK conditions and environment 待遇及び環境:

  1. Period of employment: tenure track with possible promotions. 定年まで任用期限なし,昇任の可能性あり.
  2. Number of classes (komas) taught: minimum 5, but normally more. The Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work applies. 担当コマ数:最低5コマ,通常はそれ以上.専門業務型裁量労働制が適用される.
  3. Weekly days of attendance: minimum 3. 出講日数:最低週3日.
  4. Salary and transportation fees to be allowanced by the university's standard. 大学規定の給与?通勤費支給.
  5. Eligible for social security services with insurances to be paid. 厚生制度完備.社会保険(日本私立学校振興?共済事業団)?労災保険?雇用保険に加入.
  6. Personal office provided. 個人研究室あり.
  7. Personal research budget provided. 個人研究費支給.
  8. Research grants and support applicable. 研究支援制度あり.
  9. Sabbatical leave applicable. 学外研修?研究休暇制度あり.
  10. Retirement: age of 70 (workable until the rest of the same academic year). 定年:満70歳となる年度.
  11. Labour union (optional). 教職員組合あり(加入は任意).

QUALIFICATIONS (all obligatory) 応募資格:

  1. The applicant must have a doctor's degree or equivalent research career in the field of special interest described below (2). 下記に述べる専門分野で博士号を取得していること,もしくは同等の研究業績を有すること.
  2. The applicant's relevant field(s) of special interest should be: culture, society, history of English-speaking areas, multiculturalism, comparative cultural issues, and other related fields. 英語圏の文化?社会?歴史,多文化共生,比較文化及びそれらの関連分野のいずれかを専門領域とすること.
  3. The applicant must be able to teach the classes stated above both in English and in Japanese. 上記講義及び英語科目を担当し,かつ英語及び日本語の何れにおいても教授できること.
  4. The applicant must have teaching experience in the special field above (2) and English subjects for more than three years at a university/college or equivalent academic institution. 大学またはそれに準ずる機関において3年以上の専門科目及び英語科目に関する教育?研究歴を有すること.
  5. The applicant must have a sufficient level of proficiency both in English and in Japanese in work-related business transactions. 業務に関わる英語並びに日本語の十分な運用能力を有すること.
  6. The applicant must have a good understanding of the Faculty's philosophy in education. 学部の教育理念及び教育方針に理解があること.

DATE of employment 着任予定日:

1st of April, 2024

APPLICATION documents 応募書類:

All application documents should be combined in a single PDF and submitted by JREC-in Portal Web.Some documents may be asked to be submitted by surface mail as the selection process proceeds. すべての応募書類は1点のPDFとして結合させ,JREC-in Portal Web サイト (https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekTop?ln=1) に提出すること.選考の進捗により別途郵便/宅配便にて提出してもらう書類もある.The documents must include the following (in this order):

  1. Title page (title, name, date), list of contents. 表紙(表題,氏名,日付),目次.
  2. Cover letter in English, including an approximately 500-word essay on the applicant's prospect in research and policy in teaching English at the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Dokkyo University. 本学国際教養学部における研究計画及び英語教育に対する理念を記した文章(英文500語前後)を含む英文カバーレター.
  3. Curriculum vitae and list of academic publications. 履歴書?業績表
  4. List of the courses the applicant has taught. 既担当授業名及びその概要を記した書類.
  5. Scanned image document of the certificate of the final degree. 最終学歴の学位記または学位取得証明書のスキャン画像.
  6. List of three major academic contributions with explanations (each up to 200 words in English and up to 100 characters in Japanese). (7) で提出する代表的な業績3点のリスト(書誌事項及びそれらの日英両言語による概要:英文200語以内+和文100文字以内).
  7. 3 selective publications from the list of academic contributions (real or photocopied/scanned): academic books or articles published in academic journals together with the title page and contents; MA dissertations are not counted. PhD thesis can be included. Inform us if you want to submit paper-bound books separately. 学術的な著書もしくは論文の実物/写し/スキャン書類3点.表紙?目次を含めること.修士論文は対象外.博士論文は対象可.書籍体を別途提出希望の場合は連絡のこと.

Notes 注:

  1. CV and list of publications (3) must follow the university's format. 履歴書?業績表 (3) は大学指定の様式(下記サイトよりダウンロード可)を用いること. The forms can be downloaded from the university's website (/about/recruit/).
  2. The PDF document should hold a name in the following format. PDF 書類名は次の形式に従うこと. 2024A1Fulltime_[Family name].pdf Example when your name is AMANO Teiyu^ 応募者の氏名が AMANO Teiyu^ の場合: 2024A1Fulltime_Amano.pdf

DEADLINE for submission 応募締切:

Tuesday, 8th of August, 2023. 2023年8月8日(火).

INQUIRIES to 問合せ先:

AMMA Kazuo (ammakazuo[AT]mac.com), Coordinator of the English Program, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of International Liberal Arts. 国際教養学部言語文化学科英語科目コーディネーター 安間一雄

PROCEDURE and other notices 選考手順及びその他留意事項:

  1. Include in the CV an email address AND a telephone number that the applicant can be reached at on Friday, 18th of August, in the evening. 8月18日(金)夕刻以降に連絡可能な電子メールアドレスと電話番号を履歴書に付記すること.
  2. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted; they will be offline interviewed (including short demonstration in English of an introductory lecture of the applicant's expertise: length: 20 minutes; target: intermediate English learners) on Wednesday 6th of September. A lesson plan of the demonstration shall be submitted in advance. 書類審査の結果は通過者のみに対して行う.該当者には9月6日(水)に対面による面接審査(英語中級学習者を対象とした専門分野の入門的内容についての20分程度の英語による模擬授業を含む)を行う.模擬授業の実施手順書(日本語版及び英語版のレッスンプラン)を事前に提出してもらう.
  3. Transportation fee for the offline interview will not be reimbursed. 対面面接のための交通費は支給しない.
  4. Academic publications submitted physically, where applicable, can be returned on request together with post-stamped and self-addressed envelope enclosed on submission. 業績の写しは原則として返却しないが,別途郵便/宅配便提出物があり,その返却を希望する場合は切手を貼付した返信用封筒を提出時に同封すること.
  5. Applicants who have passed the interview shall be informed of the subsequent procedure involved. 面接を通過した候補者には爾後の手続を連絡する.